What Does the American Church Have to Offer Kenya?

Kenya is a beautiful country. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t the green fields and mountains I saw. As we flew from Nairobi into Kisumu at sunrise, we were taken aback by the sheer beauty of it all. I knew that Kenya bordered Lake Victoria, but I wasn’t aware that we … Continue reading What Does the American Church Have to Offer Kenya?

Trusting his Unseen Hand

This past month, I had an opportunity to minister in Western Kenya by leading a pastor’s conference alongside my friend, fellow ETBU-alumnus, and fellow two-time SWBTS-alumnus, John Schultz. John leads a non-profit called Equip the Nations, inc and had reached out to me several months ago, asking if I would be interested in helping lead … Continue reading Trusting his Unseen Hand

BOOK REVIEW and Giveaway: The Atonement by David L. Allen

The Atonement: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ. By David L. Allen. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2019. 352 pp. $34.99 Several years ago, I found myself at pastor’s conference attended primarily those of a particular theological persuasion. Unsurprisingly, the theme of the conference celebrated the theology of the Reformation which turned … Continue reading BOOK REVIEW and Giveaway: The Atonement by David L. Allen

Gratitude and Unanswered Prayer

Lately, I've found myself in that position where I’ve been praying for something specifically. Now, this is beyond regular prayer or daily prayer. This is that heavily-sighing, crying-out-to-God prayer that rises up from the deepest parts of the soul. And yet, when it comes to this prayer, God often just seems silent. I can see … Continue reading Gratitude and Unanswered Prayer

What to Know about the 2019 SBC Annual Meeting

Join the Caffeinated Theology crew for a special episode in which we discuss the issues that will be discussed at the 2019 SBC Annual Meeting. Appreciate what we're doing in these Pastor Talks? Help us out by jumping over to our YouTube Channel to subscribe and drop a few comments and his a thumbs up … Continue reading What to Know about the 2019 SBC Annual Meeting