The God who Speaks and the Task of Preaching

Everything we know of God has been revealed to us by God. Humanity has not come to an understanding of who God is by its own efforts or study. Instead, everything we understand has come as the result of his own self-revelation. He is the God who speaks. As we look at the world around … Continue reading The God who Speaks and the Task of Preaching

If You Really Believed God Wrote a Book . . .

Each year at UNC Chapel Hill, Bart Ehrman begins his class with an exercise. He asks the class, “How many of you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God?” A majority of hands raise all over the room. Then he asks, “How many of you have read [and he’ll select the popular novel … Continue reading If You Really Believed God Wrote a Book . . .

Three Words that Can Improve Your Bible Study Immediately

I was wrong. Regardless of context, this is one of the most difficult statements for anyone to make. Whether you’re having a conversation at the church, at home, or even in the coffee shop, these three words come with such difficulty. And yet, those committed to the authority of Scripture live with this possibility on … Continue reading Three Words that Can Improve Your Bible Study Immediately

Authority, Submission, and Scripture

Several years ago I found myself in a difficult conversation with some leaders in our church about women teaching and preaching in the church. Though I taught complementarianism, these men believed that the church should be more inclusive and cease its historic “oppression” against women. I insisted that the offices of the church—elders and deacons—were … Continue reading Authority, Submission, and Scripture